Showing 73–79 of 79 results

Birla Healthcare Ayurveda Dashmularishtam 450ML – Joint Relief & Energy Tonic

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹137.00.
Dashmularishtam is used as a health tonic and pain reliever, digestive stimulant, antioxidant, and controls Vata dosha.

Birla Healthcare Ayurveda Dashamula Jirakarishtam 450ML – Digestive Aid & Pain Relief

Original price was: ₹110.00.Current price is: ₹101.00.
It is used to control gastrointestinal problems and malabsorption problems.

Birla Healthcare Ayurveda Ashwagandharishtam 450ML – Stress Relief & Energy Booster

Original price was: ₹188.00.Current price is: ₹172.00.
Ashwagandharishtam has Vata balancing and Medhya (improves intelligence) properties which can help in providing relief from the symptoms of anxiety and stress. It also manages Kapha and aids in reducing fatigue. Ashwagandharishtam also has Balya (strength provider) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties which further help in reducing fatigue.

Birla Healthcare Ayurveda Аshоkаrishtаm 450ML – Ayurvedic Detox & Menstrual Support

It is аn Аyurvediс tоniс thаt helрs in the well being аnd hоrmоnаl heаlth оf а wоmаn.

Birla Healthcare Ayurveda Balarishtam 450ml – Nerve & Muscle Tonic

It is generally used in Vata imbalance and disorder of a nervous system, also provide overall nourishment to the body.

Birla Healthcare Ayurveda Abhayaarishtam 450ML – Ayurvedic Detox & Constipation Relief

Abhayasrishtam has mild laxative action and mild diuretic action. It is also used for intestine detoxification.